Welcome friend to Forres Chiropractic Clinic
“A few words in exclamation marks from the Davopractor”
“It was a bit windy on the top of Goat Fell, Isle of Arran in May 2023.” Check out Dave’s crazy hair and his beloved wife Jayne is still laughing at his jokes and rolling her eyes at his Davesplanations!”
Now down to being professionally frank:
“I endeavour to take a rounded person-centred approach to your assessment and treatments to help you achieve overall well-being, as well as alleviating your symptoms. After a comprehensive history and physical examination I will make a working diagnosis (or clinical impression) and where appropriate refer out or offer a short course of treatment.
I use traditional chiropractic adjustments to balance the pelvis, spine, cranium and extremities. I also use manual & instrument soft tissue techniques and myofascial dry needling. In addition, I will draw your attention if applicable to common vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may be driving your longstanding pain, stiffness, cramp, numbness, tiredness and low-mood. Looking at common clinical & sub-clinical deficiencies has helped many people address the metabolic aspect of their health while also getting adjusted to keep in good balance and alignment!”
Dave Morgan, M.Sc., D.C. (Chiropractor)
Dave is a single practitioner working in his small high street clinic situated on Forres High Street. Forres Chiropractic clinic is well into its 10th year of business and helping people near and far. He’s only been a registered chiropractor 23 years, so hopefully he knows what he’s doing by now! Apart from being a little silly at times he is a sensible and caring chap and he is registered as all practising UK chiropractors should be with the GCC.
Chiropractors are part of the Health team of the country, as primary health-care practitioners, we typically operate privately outside the NHS but we are statutory regulated by the General Chiropractic Council and integral to lessening the burden on an overworked and over-strained public health service. I should add that I no longer aim to be over-worked and over-strained myself these days - I really am nailing the work/life balance!
Chiropractors care about your health and well-being and try to encourage optimal functioning of your nervous system through typically specific spinal joint adjustments. These may indeed be the treatments of hands-on techniques delivered by the chiropractor. Some people like hearing the ‘crack’ which is a cavitation of nitrogen gas within a joint capsule. A recent study revealed whether you hear a ‘pop’ or not is neither a good or bad thing. People still get better either way! I am unlikely to want to crack all your joints like you’ve seen on Youtube (US & Austr.) - so please don’t expect that! All treatment is tailored to the individual and any benefits and risks will be explained to you before any therapy commences. Consent is an ongoing process but yes please bring along the printed and signed New Patient paperwork that you can download from elsewhere on this website.
The key to health is the empowered choice you have through positive adjustments to lifestyle (work, family & social), outdoor time (nature and healthy amounts of sunshine), diet, activity & exercise, posture (body, thinking and feeling), mindfulness, empathy and compassion.
I endeavour to take a person-centred approach to treatments to help you achieve overall well-being as well as alleviating your symptoms.
I use traditional chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue and dry needling (acupuncture) techniques as well as nutritional strategies.
Many patients once they are ‘fixed’ are free to go on their way without any hard sell from me to have on-going maintenance care. People generally work it out for themselves. However, periodic reviews known as an ‘MoT’ or maintenance is an option patients who have had recurrent problems may choose to follow. The choice is yours. Hopefully, if I’ve done a good job the first time round you can call on me again in future.
Please note if you are experiencing high levels of pain and muscle spasm, we’re talking 9 or 10 out of 10 on the Pain Scale (or 11 if you’re Nigel from SpinalTap) then appropriate scheduling and timing is all important. What that means is you may need to wait 48 to 72 hours until the muscle spasm has abated - you may need to get the appropriate meds from a medical practitioner and certainly get hydrated with isotonic fluid.
You can give me a ring on (01309) 696381
The answer machine is active Monday to Friday 9 to 1.
I do not have a receptionist so you may have to be patient and leave a message while I’m seeing patients! I don’t like messages piling up either so I will try to get back to you within the hour. If I am too busy the answer machine may just get turned off - sorry!
“I would like to extend a warm and friendly welcome to new and returning patients”
Forres Chiropractic Clinic is situated on Forres High Street.
For more images, please visit the Gallery:
The Clinic got a great new paint job complete with golden gates thanks to Ronnie Watson in August 2020
Forres Chiropractic Clinic is situated in Forres, Morayshire, one of Scotland's oldest, and arguably most picturesque towns.