Valid Consent to Chiropractic Assessment & Treatment


Please download, read and familiarise yourself with the new “Valid Consent Form, October 2022 Version” prior to attending your consultation. You will give your initial verbal and written consent on the New Patient (registration/ intake) form but after your assessment and Report of Findings you will need to give further verbal and written consent to proceed - as you will be in a position where you have the detailed information you need & had the opportunity to ask questions. You can then make an informed decision or as fully as can reasonably be achieved with all the information known and disclosed by both parties.

Valid Consent Form - Version October 2022

To simplify the process there is now one document that covers the issues around giving your informed consent to examination and treatment and in relation to the ongoing issue of Covid-19 and receiving healthcare in a face-to-face setting.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please click on the button below to download the form: